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Some encourangment please?CDK

Good evening to all the fighters here on the forum.I've written before to get courage but it seems I need some encouragement as I'm not well.I'm thinking of seeing a new nephrologist for my diagnosis as I can't understand why the one I have now tested me gfr 13 years later from when I first developed kidney problems and was told everything was going to be fine and now suddenly I'm in stage 3 kidney disease. I actually don't know how long my kidneys have been failing and I feel angry inside, I feel like he didn't take good care of me and I'm very scared for the future as I have other health problems. I can't concentrate on my work and all I think about is my diagnosis. Can anyone please encourage me and say something positive about this whole situation? Thank you very much.

  1. Hello , I am so sorry that you are going through this. But, I do want to say that we understand. I was diagnosed with stage 3. My youngest son is stage 5, on dialysis, and has a full-time job. I have a cousin who has been on dialysis for 26 years. My father will be 90 next month and has had CKD for 10 years. He is stage 4, not on dialysis, and doing very well.

    I shared this so that you know we are all different. The one thing I want to say is to have a good doctor. One that will look out for you. I have only been diagnosed for a couple of years. On my last appointment, my numbers had improved. I got a dietitian who helped me with food and drinks. I have maintain my weight and drink water every day.

    I was also very angry when I was diagnosed with CKD. I see doctors regularly. I am 66 and had my first chronic illness at 5 years old and developed more along the way. I thought this was the end for me.

    The good news is that this is not the end. This was my beginning. We can live long healthy lives, don't give up hope. You are not alone. If you are not happy with the doctor you have, please seek another one. We need a team of doctors that we can trust.

    You don't have to do this alone, we are here. Diane (Team Member)

    1. Thanks for your sympathy and encouragement to all. It feels good that I am not alone. You mentioned that your numbers have improved. I was not aware that creatinine numbers can improve. Mine have been going worse for past 10 years. I am 88 and at 3b. Is there any medication to reduce my creatinine level ? Shall be grateful for reply.

    2. Hello , I didn't know it could improve either. It was at my last doctor's appointment that the nephrologist told me this. He said this was because I had taken the necessary steps to lower my blood pressure. I am 66, but I did lose 60 pounds and at one point got off of high blood pressure medication and diabetic medication. I can't do a lot of exercise, but I invested in a stationary bike that I get on for at least 30 minutes a day. I am not sure about medication. This is a question for your doctor.

      I honestly think that eating right, getting rid of salt, some exercise, and drinking water helps. I think I mentioned that my father will be 90 in March. He has had CKD for around 10 years at stage 4. The one thing I notice about him is that he is 120 pounds soaked and wet. He walks every day, rain or shine, and drinks plenty of water. I know we are all different.

      Please stay in touch. What lifestyle changes are you going to do? Diane (Team Member)

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