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Do You Know The Cause Of Your Chronic Kidney Disease?

I know my culprit is diabetes and high blood pressure. But I got to thinking, I know that everyone who gets CKD doesn't have these illnesses.

Do you know what caused you to have CKD? Did your doctor tell you? I know there have to be different causes for so many people getting this besides having diabetes and high blood pressure.

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  1. Hi

    Mine is actually a genetic mutation disease that’s actually rare only three people have it and that includes me and my twin sister. So it’s a very small group but genetic mutations can cause a rare disease that can be a kidney disease. It's so complicated but I know there is no cure or way to help it.

    Thanks Sabad (team member)

    1. Hello This is very interesting. Did you all get tested for this? Just curious.

      1. <font color="#002029">&lt;span style=&quot;caret-color: rgb(0, 32, 41);&quot;&gt;Hi &lt;/span&gt;</font>Diane Talbert
        The Genetics team/doctor did ask for samples from all of my immediate family members and showed they didn’t have the genetic mutations but that I did and my sister who then further investigated our genetics.

        Thanks, Sabad (team member)

        1. Thanks for the information.

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