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What kind of symptoms do you have.

  1. Hi , thank you for your question. I hope people will chime in to share what symptoms they experience. It can really differ person to person and depend on what stage one is in. While you wait for some to chime in, you might be interested in some of these links: & I hope this may help! Warmly, Minel (Team Member)

    1. From what I have read, MOST people don’t realize the have CKD until Stage 3 or more..It’s a silent little disease, apparently!! Just sayin’

    2. This is so true! I think this is what frustrates people most! Many times people will go years without their doctor even catching it. What stage were you in when you were diagnosed? - Kat (Team Member)

  2. I'm in stage 2. I wish i would have been told how serious it is and what i need to do to slow the process down. What do I need to avoid eating and symptoms to look for.

    1. No worries.. I have so many health issues, it seems like I have made progress, or gotten rid of one, then another issue says “hi..I am here to make your life more miserable again”!,
      Gotta have a sense of humor I have learned over time, or I’d probably be ccrraazzyy..
      A PODIATRIST, yes, another DOCTOR, CUT A HOLE , in the bottom of my foot, by the edge of my heel, and that was a year ago..
      A really long tale..
      Bottom line is I am SO suing his ass!!
      Excuse my vulgarity but..He is..
      I guess he forgot the medical logo
      ‘Do No Harm’,
      because now I am at a Wound Clinic,
      and I have had a series of X-RAYS,
      tons of blood work.
      No BONE infection, he doesn’t think.
      THIS MD is awesome, available, not happy with what was UNNECESSARILY done to me, especially after these past two years of first being diagnosed and hospitalized for almost two weeks with early COPD..
      That was the beginning of my medical nightmare!!
      I guess my Higher Being said “if you won’t stop smoking we’ll”..
      Anyways then another hospitalization almost to the day last May, with 4 serious infections, in hospital two weeks because one was COVID19!! MRSA..Pneumonia, and a COPD EXACERBATION!!
      Ya.. A lot..
      Plus talking with my MD, in whose Practice this Podiatrist visits a few
      times a month..
      My reason to initially see him was to have my toenails cut..
      Primarily my big toe ones.. because they are thick and difficult to cut..
      So back to this..
      Now, infectious disease is getting in on it etc. etc..
      On an antibiotic that’s OK with stage 3 CKD!!
      I am SO SO UPSET and angry..
      Sorry again..
      I also just learned I have Severe Multi level Spondylitis ..
      Discs in spine are disintegrating..
      Have been doing Physical Therapy..
      I thank god that I was extremely sports active when I was younger..
      Skiing, both snow and water, I was a runner, competition tennis player etc..
      Because I believe it’s helping me recover quicker..
      I kind of vented on you..
      Keep Fighting The Good Fight..


    2. yeah WOW just WOW Gabby you have been through the wringer and I don’t say that lightly. There are so many issues you have shared and then the mishap with the podiatrist is beyond imagination. I mean how does cutting your big toe nail end up with cutting a hole in your heal???
      I’m glad God got your attention and hopefully you’ve quit smoking. I hope they can get your COPD under control and your breathing easier. Please mask up whenever you go out to a public place. So many germs outs there you need to protect yourself from all these illnesses with your compromised system. Having pneumonia is bad enough but add to that the MRSA and your COPD and you are critical.
      Are you eating healthy with lots of fruits and veggies? Drinking your allotted amount of water daily? Do all that you can to strengthen your body through diet. Check with your insurance company and see if they will cover a renal dietitian for you since you have CKD. Take care Gabby and keep fighting the good fight 💚 Cindy (Team Member)

  3. The most prominent is energy. I've lost a lot. And that is hard on the psyche. Also I get itchy areas like near my armpits. This is from too much protein not being filtered properly.

    1. , I am just checking in to see how you are doing? How are you doing with the fatigue? It can take so much out of you. We would like to hear from you. Diane (Team Member)

    2. I just had my 6-month follow-up visit. I had kept a journal of different things that were going on in my body for the doctor. I did notice I had swelling in my ankles, and I would go to the bathroom all night long. I always felt weak and tired. How are things going on with you? Diane (Team Member)

  4. Yes I'm now in stage 4 mainly I notice alot more fatigue and itching. Every now and then I will have some serious back pain which will last a few days then go away. Alot of fatigue though

    1. I’m sorry you are having the back pain, fatigue, and itching. I’m stage 3b and at time I feel exhausted. It’s usually early evening sitting on the couch watching tv. I fall asleep lol. I have some itching but not too bad. I have had a little pain but it’s hard to know what’s what because I have dealt with scoliosis since 8th grade. I’ve been in pain for most of my life as a 71 yr old. I just need to remember to drink all my water. I know that makes things better. Are you eating a plant based diet to try and slow the progression? Have a Merry Christmas and keep fighting the good fight 💚 Cindy (Team Member)

    2. , thanks for sharing some of your journey with us. This is not an easy journey, but we can do it. I know we are all different, but I know that changing my lifestyle helped a lot. What is one change you have made that you can share with the community? Diane (Team Member)

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