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Are there certain times of the year that are easier or harder to manage CKD?

Hi! I am curious to know if there are certain times of the year that are easier or harder to manage chronic kidney disease for you. Please share your experiences with us!

  1. For me personally me, winter & summer is a harder time with symptoms flaring up, for example I tend to get temperature sensitive & swollen legs & face, muscle cramps. It depends on the days but I know with these conditions it can flare up to weather chance for me personally during winter or summer. Thanks Sabad (Team Member)

    1. I have suffered with muscle cramps in my legs for years and until 2019 I was not aware of any kidney trouble. Could these cramps have been an early indication of CKD or diabetic neuropathy?

      1. Hi , For me, it was something that got worse the longer I had CKD and my neuropathy issues. There could be many reasons for it, and having CKD and diabetic neuropathy can be one of them as well, but it's always best to ask your doctor first, who will have more answers relating to you and your previous and current health issues, please do let us know how it goes if you do ask. Thanks Sabad (Team Member)

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