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How long did you wait to know you Diagnosis for CKD?

I wanted to start a discussion on what our diagnosis was, is and are you still waiting to know? As I am someone who never knew the reason for my CKD but only 10 years later (in 2019) found out it was a genetic mutation from birth that only me and my identical twin sister have and still learning more about it, How about you? Tell us more about your Diagnosis journey.

  1. I asked my doctor if I have CKD back in March. According to all my test results over the last 6 years I say yes. He looked at my last several test and said yes I do.
    He just said to make sure I drink enough, avoid caffeine and that we will test again in 6 mos which is this coming September. He did not suggest any kind of medication or seeing an RA specialist. 🤷

    1. Amy, that is actually typical when related to early CKD onset. Usually, these numbers move around a lot. As for medication that usually happens later in the process. Diet is a little different. One thought might be to ask your doctor if they could refer you to a nutritionist. It is almost always a good thing to visit with one, CKD or not.



  2. I will ask if he will refer me to one thank you. I don't need to see one to loose weight, but to make sure I'm eating the right foods for some with CKD.

    1. , keep us updated on how things go, if you feel comfortable doing so! Having a dietitian can be very helpful to keep on track of your CKD management. Warmly, Minel (Team Member)

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