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I have K.D. and unsure of stage anymore. I have illiostomy and the diet for both of these conflict, severely. They are opposite of each other if that makes any sense. I have no idea what to do and I'm honestly tired of trying. If any feedback, thank you

  1. I'm so sorry you have two competing diseases. Have you sought the help of a certified renal dietitian? With your two conditions I wouldn't be able to navigate a diet if I tried. I can't imagine how hard that must be. There are several certified renal dietitians on Facebook and Instagram who offer zoom telehealth meetings. Here are two:

    I have met with the first one and have taken a class with the second one so I know they are legit. I am just offering up a suggestion in case you don't have a certified renal dietitian where you live. I hear you are tired and I since your frustration. I want to encourage you not to give up but to keep fighting the good fight. Cindy (Team Member)

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