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CKD treatment

4 days of dialysis @4 hours a day. It's pretty much like being a useless lump daily as I never feel rested, ever.

  1. Hi I wish you were feeling better. One of our patient leaders has shared several articles about her experience with dialysis and how she copes with it, I hope this is helpful for you: Jill (Team Member)

    1. Hello. I’m so sorry that is a lot of time spent somewhere other than home. I’m not on dialysis but my dad was and he did 3 days a week. He was in his 80’s but it was so hard on his body. He was exhausted afterwards and into the next day and when he started to get a little bit of energy back it was time to go to dialysis again. I felt so bad for him and for all of you kidney warriors out there. Have you spoken to your nephrologist about your exhaustion and feelings? I would most definitely ask for some help to feel better. I just had anemia and I was so so tired and it’s not fun to be like that. So I can’t imagine your tiredness. I hope you can get some answers soon from your doctor. Here is an article I found in the forum hope it sheds some light.
      Cindy (Team Member)

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