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A woman reaching her hand out to a rainbow of light and color, symbolizing hope for the future.

Instilling Hope For Us With Chronic Kidney Disease

The most crucial first message we need to give to each other with chronic kidney disease (CKD) is hope. Do you know why? Because those of us who have been given a life-threatening diagnosis are fearful and nervous, and fear prevents us from learning.

I have a high fear that does affect my decision-making. I have been this way since I can remember. My cortisone and adrenaline get very high, which makes it hard for me to participate in my decision-making. It’s much easier for me to say, let my healthcare team take care of me.

When does hope step in for me?

I have to allow for the proper treatment options for my lifestyle. The greatest cause of mortality is deciding on what life-saving therapy I will need one of these days. Finding the best possible treatment option is made possible by hope.

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But when does hope step in for me? I try and be optimistic. This enables me to quiet my brain so at least learning can take place. For me, hope can be the remedy that enables me to start taking an active role in receiving medical care despite receiving a terrifying diagnosis. A CKD diagnosis can leave you waiting for the torrential downpour to start. I know for me I already feel as if a black cloud is over my head. All of these thoughts come to my mind when anticipating a health emergency, but not knowing when it would occur. I always think about how far in advance I can plan. Is it safe to purchase a home, plan for graduation, or take trips?

I have to give myself hope and figure out such things as what to eat and drink, the medications I have to take, and how much exercise I should get.

Remaining optimistic

There are days that I face a sense of optimism because there are many modifications in my everyday routine now. Being optimistic in the face of a chronic condition is a continuing crucial process. It motivates me and my family to look for new solutions. I also have to accept the new reality the disease has imposed on me.

I do have hope and a positive outlook on the future which is a useful coping mechanism for me. It helps me to be positive and move forward in life. This is essential for my spiritual well-being as well. Hope helps me to deal with issues for survival and my quality of life.

I do know that this disease has impacted my health and quality of life. But I will continue to move forward. When the experience of getting a CKD diagnosis is coupled with optimism, I try and concentrate my efforts on regaining health and well-being.

I have been doing some research. This is my takeaway on this. Chronic kidney disease (CKD) does not significantly shorten the lives of many people. Your CKD won't necessarily have to worsen. Of course, we are all different. If you have any doubts or concerns, contact your healthcare team with questions or concerns.

Remember we are not alone on this journey.

This or That

Are you satisfied with your current CKD treatment plan?

This article represents the opinions, thoughts, and experiences of the author; none of this content has been paid for by any advertiser. The team does not recommend or endorse any products or treatments discussed herein. Learn more about how we maintain editorial integrity here.

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