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All questions are safe here. What would you like to know about chronic kidney disease? Post your question here and our health leaders and community members will answer the best they can!
CommunityMember4068f9 Member
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What does it feel like does it make you feel very sick does it make you feel dizzy weak
CommunityMemberf7cb2e Member
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Cindy Barton Moderator
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Keep us informed and we are here to help and give support all we can. Keep fighting the good fight 💚 Merry Christmas. Cindy (Team Member)
Diane Talbert Moderator & Contributor
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It's best to see a doctor to see what is going on. How are you doing? We would like to hear from you. Diane (Team Member)
CommunityMember74c957 Member
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Diane Talbert Moderator & Contributor
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CommunityMember4db632 Member
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Why does my egfr fluctuate up and down and so does my creatine level goes up and down one minute iam in normal levels and the next time everything drops low iam having a hard time understanding this
CommunityMember4db632 Member
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I was diagnosed in june of 2023 I was stage 4 however my kidney functions fluctuate up and down for example my creatine would be at 2.36 and my egfr would be 21 then the next bloodwork I get my egfr came up to 55 then my creatine went down to 1.01 that is a big jump I just don't understand why I fluctuate so much iam trying my best to I watch my salt my potassium is in normal range my phosphorus is in normal range am I doing something wrong to make my kidney function fluctuate like that iam really frustrated any advice would be great
CommunityMember4f9ec5 Member
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Cindy Barton Moderator
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