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What You Don't Know Will Hurt You?

I was able to go back years and look at my past doctor reports. I was shocked that I was in stage 2 kidney disease. I am so confused as to why this was never revealed to me. I could have started making better lifestyle changes a long time ago.

I am now in stage 3 and just starting to see a kidney doctor. I know I am not alone in this one. If this has happened to you I would like to hear your thoughts on this.

Is it fair that someone else can take our life in their hands?

  1. I have had the same Primary Care doctor for years. When she did lab work my GFR was low and she told me that it was not that bad. Later on I ended up in the hospital with very low blood sodium levels and found out that low sodium levels can cause seizures. Also the hospital doctor noticed my abnormal kidney function test lab results. He immediately referred me to a Nephrologist. I will be forever grateful for the hospital doctor.

    1. Hello , I just don't understand why is information is kept from us. Maybe this is something they learned in medical school. I'm sad that you had to go to the hospital, but glad they found out about your kidney function. Our voices need to be heard. Thanks for sharing.

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