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What happens when choosing not to do dialysis?

I am 80 years old, have been a diabetic for about 20 years, mostly under control until recently. The only symptoms I have are low appetite and super tired however, I am old and expect the low energy. I also live alone, am a below amputee since 1975 which complicates all kinds of things. In looking at the home dialysis, I would have to have someone connect me to everything, which isn't feasible. The daytime dialysis would mean giving up all the activities I enjoy now. I would just like to know just how sick I will become & perhaps, how long will I live without dialysis. I am already depressed from the loss of a son to suicide - what do I do?

  1. So sorry for your loss...not sure what you mean about losing your daily activities. I have been doing dialysis for 3 months and feel so much better. 3 days a week for 3 hours in the afternoon. I do drive myself to and from. I do have a fistula that was not cooperating in the beginning so I had a catheter put in for a few months. Now everything is working good...I feel a ton better. I am 76 years old, mobile, and no other issues. You will feel so much better with Dialysis. I understand your feelings as the thought of doing dialysis was a nightmare to me...but I had a confident who persuaded me to 'not be afraid of Dialysis '!...and he was right!

    1. Hello , When I grow up, I want to be just like you. You sent so many positive vibes our way. I like your attitude. Thanks for sharing so much with us. My father is almost 90 and he said he wants to go on dialysis if that day ever comes. My youngest son does it 7 days a week, but he is a lot younger than us. Glad to hear that everything is working good. Diane (Team Member)

  2. Hello , I have 2 family members that do dialysis. One is doing it 7 days a week and the other 3 days a week. Don't get me wrong, they have their good and bad days, but they both are living their best life. I wouldn't kick the thought of dialysis to the curve. My father will be 90 soon and he has been in kidney failure for over 10 years. The doctor asked him that if the time came would he want to be on dialysis, he said of course I do. He is very active and is mad at me right now because I won't let him drive. Have you talked to anyone about how you are feeling? I know it's not easy. I just got diagnosed, but I had to talk to someone to get those thoughts in my head right. I'm 65. I am so sorry for your loss. Just remember that you are not alone. Diane (Team Member)

    1. Hello , if you decided not to pursue dialysis you would be placed on conservative management which focuses on controlling symptoms, maximizing comfort, and improving your quality of life. I can't answer how long you will live while on conservative management, but please keep in mind that without dialysis you will not have kidney function and toxins will build up in the blood, causing a condition called uremia which ultimately cause the body to shut down. Here is an article about CM:

      Have anyone talked with you about peritoneal dialysis? It is an at home option where you can do it at night while you are asleep and you do not need anyone else to hook you up to the machine. I was on peritoneal dialysis and I was able to be in control of my schedule and it didn't interfere with my daily routine. Here is an article that goes into more detail about PD: . Please talk to your nephrologist about this and if you have any questions about PD you can ask me anytime. ~Jennifer (Team Member)

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