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Update about my CKD

hello! I wanted to give you an update on my health after seeing my nephrologist. Some nephritis seems to have attacked me a few years ago and left me with some problems resulting in signs of being in stage 3 kidney failure. He advised me to lose weight, to have a plant-based diet, to be careful not to get diabetes and hypertension and in a little while to have a kidney scan and blood tests again. He gave me courage to try to improve my health and that everything will be fine if I follow it. I wanted to thank you all from the bottom of my heart for taking the time to comfort me and take the time to write me some encouraging things. I really thank you very much and I hope that everything goes very well for you on all levels!

  1. Hi ! Thanks so much for the update on your appointment. I'm so glad to hear that you've gotten more answers and a plan after your appointment. Please don't hesitate to keep in touch and keep us updated. It's a journey, but it seems like you have a good plan ahead 😀 Warmly, Minel (Team Member)

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