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Rash and itching

My husband has stage 4 renal failure and cancer in his remaining kidney. He has a rash and is itching like crazy. We cannot find anything to stop this and we have changed meds and tried every drug and cream out there. Does anyone else have this issue?

  1. Hi , thank you for your question. Skin symptoms are pretty common with CKD. actually just asked a similar question recently about skin issues with CKD here:, so your husband is definitely not alone. We also have an article, I know you mentioned trying everything, so it might be all old news, but sharing it in case anything can help: I hope you may find something that helps. Warmly, Minel (Team Member)

    1. Hello , Just wanted to follow up and see how your husband is coming along with the itch? I was just diagnosed with CKD, I don't have an itch, but I do have severe psoriasis over 80% of my body. I tried everything to get my skin to calm down, creams, lotions, shots, etc. The one thing that helps me is ice packs. I put them all over my body. They worked and numbed me long enough to get some relief.

      Let us know how things are going and hope to hear from you soon. Diane (Team Member)

      1. Herb was on prednisone and antihistamine and rash cleared up. As soon as he went off drugs, rash came back. Ice helps but it is all over his body. Very unpleasant!

    2. Hello , Trust me I get it. I was on prednisone and antihistamine for a while too, but the minute you stopped - bam!!!! It comes right back. The ice will give him some temporary relief, but it's only short-term. I just thought of something; about 30 years ago, I had a horrible itch. I was so miserable and actually crying. I remember the doctor giving me a numbing cream. I can't remember the name of it right now, but it helped and it had a sleeping agent in it. Is his doctor suggesting anything else; he shouldn't have to suffer like this. You hang in there. Diane (Team Member)

      1. We had a skin biopsy done on his rash. It said it was caused by a drug reaction. It has to be the blood thinner which they won't take him off of, or the Keytruda injections for his cancer. Nephrologist wants to increase the size of his dialysis needle too! There is no relief in sight but thank you for caring!

    3. , just know that we are all thinking about you and wish you well wishes. If you ever need to talk or just vent - we are here. Diane (Team Member)

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