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Low GFR - 27 years old please help

Hi, so I had a blood test 2 months ago where the doctor told me my kidney function has dropped from my baseline. GFR was 74, they then repeated the test which showed a GFR of 72, they have now asked me to have another blood test in another months time. All they have said to me at this stage is to watch my protein intake and not take medication that can harm the kidneys.

I am just a bit concerned, when I read the numbers above online it doesnt seem like a normal number for someone my age and just wondered if it does indeed show CKD?

No protein in urine, creatinine 107 but was 82 2 years ago, 79 4 years ago. Albumin creatine ratio was also normal. I asked the doctor if a referal is necessary (as I have private healthcare) but they said they will just repeat the blood test in another month and that is acceptable at this stage.

Does 72 seem low for a 27M and should I be worried/ start making good lifestyle changes?

  1. Hi , Sorry to hear that you've been going through a difficult change/time. Do you have any other underlying health conditions like blood pressure or diabetes, or are only the blood test results in the most recent change in your health? If it is from my experience, it should be of some concern for someone who doesn't have any health problems, especially at the age of 27, as an eGFR of 60 -89 may mean early-stage kidney disease.

    I would change my diet until you have your other blood test, e.g., limit your salt intake and avoid too much potassium. However, there could be many reasons for your kidneys not working well. The best thing to do is to get all the tests you need to see what is happening.

    Also, while you wait for the test, look for these systems or note if you have them and bring them to your doctor at your next appointment.

    Urinating more often or less often than usual
    Feeling tired
    Swelling in your arms, legs, or feet
    Muscle cramps
    Nausea and vomiting
    Loss of appetite

    I hope these help you understand a little bit more; keep us updated on your health journey and know you are not allowed in this difficult time.

    Thanks Sabad (team member)

    1. My Doctor has asked me to take my blood pressure at home this week - it is on the high side but varies - can range from 129-145 systolic and 81-95 dystolic. They will contact me after my 7th day of submitting blood pressure readings.

      Thanks so much for your message - I guess I just find it odd as they have seemed quite blase about it and I need to know from my side how serious it is

      1. , I hear you. It can feel really odd when doctors don't seem to be taking it very seriously. I hope you'll get some more information with testing. I know you mentioned asking about a referral, I know sometimes people have found it helpful to seek another opinion, so you could always keep that in mind too. Please keep us updated on how things go, if you feel comfortable doing so. Warmly, Minel (Team Member)

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