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How long will it take for proteinuria to go away ?

I was recent diagnosed with hypertension stage 2 but all of my CT scans were normal and had a GFR of 142.55 and a creatinine of 0.72.On the 24 hour urine test however my protein levels were at 738 mg. I'm taking my medication for hypertension for about two days now and I managed to control my BP from 162/91 to 131/68 but I'm still having foamy urine and there is still protein in my urine . I was wondering how long will it usually take to go away

  1. Hi , thank you for your question. I'm glad to hear that your BP is under control and you have a management plan for your hypertension. Have you had a chance to ask your doctor yet about how long you may have proteinuria? They would know your situation the best to give a better answer for you, as everyone's experiences may differ. Please keep us updated on how things go, if you feel comfortable doing so. Warmly, Minel (Team Member)

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