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I have a constant headache. Are headaches a symptom of K.D. I ask because I knew someone with K.D. and told they had headaches a lot. Does the high blood pressure cause this? I get high blood pressure now which I never had or not aware of until lately. Thank 6

  1. Hello! Yes, high bp can definitely cause headaches. Do the doctors have you on a bp medication? Are you drinking enough water? I had to ask my first nephrologist how much water I should be drinking a day because she never told me. I'm drinking 64oz. Are you able to exercise at all to help your heart/blood pressure? Have you been able to cut out fast food and processed food that has so much sodium in it? My bp went so low after I stopped the fast food and processed boxed or frozen food items. Just take a look at the nutrition panel on some of those food items in the frozen food section and you will be shocked at how much sodium is in those small little boxes. I've learned to look at everything. I hope they can get your bp leveled out so you aren't experiencing the headaches. Keep up the fight kidney warrior. Cindy (Team Member)

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