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Diane Talbert
Last Updated:
I have been doing some research and it looks like researchers have developed a method that can change the way we are diagnosed and treated for CKD. Scientists report significant progress in trying to develop nephron progenitor cells. This is supposed to form the kidney's filtration system.
What do you think the future holds for people with chronic kidney disease? We would like to hear from the community. Diane (Team Team Member)
Diane Talbert Moderator & Contributor
Last Updated:
A recent significant breakthrough in chronic kidney disease (CKD) treatment is the FDA approval of Jardiance. It has been shown to effectively slow the progression of CKD and reduce the risk of kidney failure. Has anyone's doctor started them on this medication? This seems to be a game-changer. What are your thoughts on this? We would like to hear from you. Diane (Team Member?
Gabby Member
Last Updated:
No..have not heard of this or any significant breakthroughs..
Diane Talbert Moderator & Contributor
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Gabby Member
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Thanx..will definitely ask my doc., and get back to everyone!😊
Gabby Member
Last Updated:
You are so kind to check in on me..
Such a lovely way to begin a day, after two days of blood draws and X-rays !
As well as having CKD, I have early COPD, with two hospitalizations, almost to the day a year apart, the second and hopefully the last one last May, 2024. With a COPD EXACERBATION, triggered by pneumonia, I had MRSA, and the icing on that cake was that I also tested positive for COVID19, so was quarantined in the hospital for two weeks, ot just for the v iris, but so the MRSA and Pneumonia had gotten better and were GONE!!
The positive in that nightmare is that our hospital here where I live has delicious food, the best break menu, serves it all day and it’s my most fav meal, lobster!! Shrimp dishes, etc.. o appetite in the beginning but yes..lots of eating after ALL the various antibiotics did their job!!
These past few days I have been to, what we call here in Maine,
a Wound Clinic, for an ‘unhealing’, literally a hole, in the bottom of my foot in the heel area, that was caused by a
Yes.. He is in the process of being ‘reprimanded’ a second time, because of what he did to my foot, when he was only asked to do my nails, because of all I had to deal with because of his inappropriate actionshe did; the excruciating pain and discomfort, my inability ost of the time to go outside, because it’s Winter in sine, so not being able to wear boots with cold and snow..Another snow storm last nite!
My doctor says I am NOT a candidate for. This recently new kidney med JARDIANCE, which is a GOOD THING, YAY, for you as well being at Stage 3..
The other thing I referred to above was X-rays and that was for my foot to make certain there wasn’t an infection in the bone, which would have meant surgery and an entire new can of worms, but fortunately no bone infection, so we just keep working on healing the wound.
I also had a series of back and hip/Pelvic bone area X-rays because I have been living with acute pain in those areas, aggravated by this foot issue throwing my body posture/structure all off because of my gait..
I have Spondylitis = deterioration of discs apparently, and am already doing Physical Therapy which apparently is one the first line options for this back situation with me..
Also keeping BP under control, mine is low =✅
As well as monitoring Cholesterol =✅
So, now you can understand somewhat better, why seeing your note first thing this morning, was so incredibly uplifting for me..
I call it a ‘God Shot’!
Thank Diane..
I am done with all the crying again, learning of new medical issues..
No point but needed to happen..
I am More up to dealing with the solutions..
JARDIANCE By the way, is initially for high BP, which I don’t have, but has been found, like many medications, to help with other issues, in our case the kidneys and keeping them STABLE!!
My wish for you today Diane,is a lovely, positive and productive one..Or any type of da that is uplifting and positive for
Y O U!!
Where do you live, if you don mind sharing, but if not, I totally understand..
Cindy Barton Moderator
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Okay so your hospital sounds amazing. I have never heard a glowing report about a hospitals food. Do they have a wonderful CKD diet they provide you?
I have low BP too although I do take blood pressure medication. I spill protein so the medication I take helps slow the spill down. It’s working. I also went on a plant based diet back in 2022 and it has helped a lot to lower the protein and to raise my eGFR.
You keep fighting the good fight kidney warrior 💚 and keep us informed of your healing. We are here to be of encouragement and help if we can and oh God-shots are great! Cindy (Team Member)
CindiInNC Member
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I have heard of it, but not for treatment of kidney disease. I will have to do some more research on it.
Diane Talbert Moderator & Contributor
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Gabby Member
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I believe it is initially used to keep BP under control,
but like many meds, it has been found to stabilize,
or slow down more damage of the kidneys, when someone is in
‘late stage’ CKD..
Have a Sparkly Day,
CindiInNC Member
Last Updated:
I thought it was initially used for high blood sugar levels.
Diane Talbert Moderator & Contributor
Last Updated:
Cindy Barton Moderator
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