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Diane Talbert
Last Updated:
I have been doing some research and it looks like researchers have developed a method that can change the way we are diagnosed and treated for CKD. Scientists report significant progress in trying to develop nephron progenitor cells. This is supposed to form the kidney's filtration system.
What do you think the future holds for people with chronic kidney disease? We would like to hear from the community. Diane (Team Team Member)
Diane Talbert Member
Last Updated:
A recent significant breakthrough in chronic kidney disease (CKD) treatment is the FDA approval of Jardiance. It has been shown to effectively slow the progression of CKD and reduce the risk of kidney failure. Has anyone's doctor started them on this medication? This seems to be a game-changer. What are your thoughts on this? We would like to hear from you. Diane (Team Member?
Diane Talbert Member
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Gabby Member
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I am not certain if I shared with you, that my Doctor, informed me, that JARDIANCE is more for people who are living with later stages of CKD..
This is what I had researched as well..
My query is ‘I wonder why Doctors wait until later stage CKD, before considering this medication?’
Something to ask my Doc I guess..
I usually go in with a list of queries..
Even a longer list now with CKD and COPD!!
Have a lovely 😊 day Diane!!
Gabby Member
Last Updated:
Thanx..will definitely ask my doc., and get back to everyone!😊
Cindy Barton Member
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Gabby Member
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It has been as it is now March 5th..
My name came up that it had been mentioned in here, which is when itend to come and visit!!
Hope y’all, (I am from Newfoundland originally), not the Southern area of this USA, but I have always liked the ‘inclusiveness’ of ..
Y’all..Silly Gabby..
I do hope everone is ‘fighting the good kidney fight’, as I believe Indy B tends to say..
I have had new issues, not with my OPD nor my CKD, but with the ‘wound’ issue I spoke of earlier..
I had to involve ‘Infectious Disease’ and I am so pleased because the woman, Kate, is an UPLIFTING delight of a person..
For some reason, I had envisioned whomever I was going to see as a ‘severe matron type person..
I also now need o go thru what’s called ‘Nuclear Medicine’..The protocol being that Day 1 I need to arrive at 6:00 a.m.🕕 , to have an I.V. started to withdraw, I have NO idea, as of yet, how much blood..
They then, separate the red and white blood cells,
RADIATE the white blood cells, reinfuse this blood thru the
On day 2, the following day, at 8:00 a.m. 🕗 , they scan my foot , TO MAKE CERTAIN, that there is NO inflammation, or other issues going on with this foot that is being treated..
Fingers crossed that all is well.
It in another two weeks, so between now and then, I will find out more about the ins and outs..
Now, do tell me CIndy, about this med you take , Renadyl, that helps with inflammation re:kidneys..
Kinda duh here but is it about inflammation of the kidneys themselves?
The inflammation, like ‘edema’ that I have horribly !
I ABSOLUTELY have to wear COMPRESSION SOCKS, or TIGHTS, to keep this leg, or lower extremity edema, is the medical term for it, under control..
Also, if my weight goes up TWO l s overnight I need to take a ‘semi’ kidney friendly diuretic, to ‘help my kidneys’ along, in producing more urine..
Such fun, or ‘Are we having fun yet’?
I will ask my doc about this Probiotic med, and get her take..As I believe I have shared that the Nephrologist I waited months and months to see, basically wondered, out loud ‘why I was there’, as everything looked good, and he said my MD could handle my CKD..No future appointments needed!?!
Okay then..
Maybe this Renadyl might help with my edema..
Do you know, Cindy, how it works to do this?
That is it for me..(I believe)..My most recent eGFR = 44, so I am hanging in there..
Psyched to get this foot healed, because …You literally can often ‘smell’ Spring is in the air in Maine, so walking, gardening etc..
Ms. ‘Can barely shuffle around’ as that groin muscle on my LEFT side, is EXTREMELY painful, as is my RIGHT foot being treated by the Wound Clinic "
Hoping all my fellow WARRIERS,
have a …
P.S. I could NOT possibly eat those particular kidney friendly foods you do Cindy..I am what I call ‘A Grazer’ type of eater..
My Mother called me a Picky Eater..
I am not one to sit down for meals,
i.e. I prefer Brunches versus Going out to Dinners..
I ‘try’ to eat more veggies, which I do happen to like such as broccoli, baby peas, some squashes, potatoes, but not the same now w/ No,
or a teeny amt of salt..
Right now it’s Proteins and more Proteins for curing my wound..
I love certain types of Yogurt, Greek Yogurt is supposedly higher in proteins than regular yogurts, like Yoplait, etc, white breast of chicken, White part of Turkey, Tuna, etc..
CindiInNC Member
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I have heard of it, but not for treatment of kidney disease. I will have to do some more research on it.
Diane Talbert Member
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Gabby Member
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I believe it is initially used to keep BP under control,
but like many meds, it has been found to stabilize,
or slow down more damage of the kidneys, when someone is in
‘late stage’ CKD..
Have a Sparkly Day,
CindiInNC Member
Last Updated:
I thought it was initially used for high blood sugar levels.
Diane Talbert Member
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Cindy Barton Member
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