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CKD 3rd stage

My last egfr was 54 (aug21, 2023)
My latest egfr was 72 (jan9, 2024)

How common is this to advance upward 18 measured points in a time-span of 4 months

  1. Hi , thanks for your question! I hope others may be able to chime in to share their own experiences. You probably have already, but did you ask your doctor yet? Did they have any insight? One of our health leaders, Claire, shared something similar in her article:, it seemed like hydration had a lot to do with it in her case. But obviously, everyone's health and situations are different, so I'd be curious to know if your doctor had any ideas as well, if you feel comfortable sharing! Warmly, Minel (Team Member)

    1. Hello KENN , this is such a great question. The same thing just happened to me. I question my doctor about this. She said her thought was my medication that was the culprit. So she changed all of them and had me drink more water. We shall see in a few months. What does your healthcare team have to say on the subject? We would like to hear more from you. Diane (Team Member)

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