Trying to make plans.
Seems like I try to plan on traveling to see my daughter, I get an UTI or hospital visit.
Got diagnosed with CKD a year after my Bladder cancer. Cancer free thank God but I get plagued ŵith UTIs all the time .
while not a solution, ask your doctor about consuming cranberry juice and using cranberry supplements with D-mannose. This is the one my docotr suggested but there are dozens Be sure and ask your doctor for advice before you try it.
Jayfla, I had UTI s for years! I took Natures Bounty Cranberry softgels with C 25,200mg daily 2 caps. It worked. I have not had a UTI in 8 years. No hot tubs, no perfumed soaps. I use Dove fragrance fee, sensitive skin. wet swim suit bottoms remove quickly.Nurse friend educated me.
Lawrence Phillips Member
Last Updated:
I also use diet Cranberry juice. That plus 4 capsules of D-Mannose-Defense-1000 mg each day. It has stopped UTI's now for 7 months.
Diane Talbert Member
Last Updated:
Hello , Just following up to see how you are doing. We know you were struggling with UTIs. I just got over getting 2 back to back. They are no fun. Was your healthcare team able to get those under control so that you could go see your daughter? Let us know how you are doing. We would love to hear from you.