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Can Chronic Kidney Disease Be Passed From Generation to Generation?

I never thought much about this until recently. Not sure why this never crossed my mind.

My grandmother was diagnosed with CKD at the age of 85. She said that she didn't want to do dialysis. They gave her 2 weeks to live, she lasted 2 weeks. This was in 1995.

Her son who is my father got diagnosed in 2012. He will be 90 next month. He is not on dialysis, but the doctors have had a talk with us about that. I'm sure he's not going to do it either.

My youngest son is 45. He has been on at-home dialysis for a year. He is doing pretty well and still works a full-time job.

I am 65 and just recently got diagnosed, not happy at all. Didn't see this coming.

Are there multiple people in your family that got diagnosed with CKD? We would love to hear from you.

  1. I'm sorry to hear that this tragic disease affects your family like this, May I ask what is the cause of the disease in your family? I myself and my twin sister are the only people who suffer from kidney failure we have a genetic mutation that we got in the womb but only found out we had kidney failure when we was already in stage 4&5 at 16 years old and we only found out the cause of the disease when my doctor and my sister sent off a biopsy of my failed kidney transplant and her kidney transplant at the time and done genetic testing in 2017. They did say 50/50 that are disease can be passed down if we choose to have children.

    Thanks Sabad (Team Member)

    1. Hello , From what I can see is that we all have high blood pressure. I didn't even know this could happen. (running in the family) Thanks for sharing.

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