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Anyone get notified of something growing on one of their kidneys?

My urologist found a 2cm thing growing on kidney. Following it. Currently hasn't grown much. Will see a nephrologist next Feb. Urologist said if gets to 3cm will do biopsy. Then surgery to remove if cancer. Anyone else have something on kidney? What is your doctor doing?

  1. I’m sorry this is going on. I know something like that would creat questions and stress. I have cysts on my kidneys right now. Did your doctor mention the word cysts or did they use a different word? I know they watch my cysts with a sonogram from time to time. They haven’t caused me any problems so far. Did your urologist say if they will check it again before February or are they leaving that to your nephrologist? I think I would want that monitored closely to see if it growing. My sister had a tumor in her breast that was only 1.5cm and they removed it. I think I would want that 2cm lump taken out myself. Maybe call up your nephrologist office and ask for a phone consult with the doctor? Keep us posted and I’m so sorry. Maybe someone else can jump in if they have experienced something like this. Cindy (Team Member)

    1. oh okay. Please keep us informed and I will say a prayer for it to be benign. 💚 Cindy (TM)

    2. Thankyou.

  2. I'd have to look up what she called it. Urologist knows I don't like CTs, so recommended an MRI, to have before I see her, and found out I'd have to lay on back for 90 min! So told them I don't want that either, since have back problems. She was going to follow up with it. See her after nephrologist appt. (I am on cancellation list) I had an ultrasound of it earlier this month, and she saw where it hasn't grown that much. That wasn't bad, except for holding 32 oz water in my bladder for an hour before. I'll have to ask about a sonogram. Is that radiation free? I don't want surgery as I have copd, level 3, and one surgeon said might not make it through surgery well.

    1. Well, my doctor called me today. Asked her about sonogram, and she said that just checks outside of kidney and really only works for skinny people. I'm not obese. But according to bmi am about 13 lbs over "ideal". She said the MRI she ordered would also check ureters and renal pelvis, which are things inside kidney area. But said she could order a Renal mass protocol MRI and would only have to be in there 30 - 40 min instad of 90 min. Said she might not get everything, but would probably get enough to info. I haven't looked that up yet, but agreed to that. It's not till end of next February, cause she just did the ultrasound on me a bit ago. It's only about 2cm now.

    2. this sounds so much better like you said it’s less than the 90 minutes. I don’t think I could lay there for 90’with my bad back unless I was sleeping. Please let us know if you get into see the nephrologist on a cancellation. Keep fighting the good fight 💚 Cindy (TM)

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