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What tips would you give to someone on how to shower with a peritoneal dialysis catheter or a chest port?

This question came up in a group meeting. Someone suggested waterproof sheets or plastic to keep the area dry. Do you have anything to add to this list?

We would love to hear from you. Diane (Team Member)

  1. When I had my chest port, It was a struggle for sure but I made sure to have a list of things just in case I had to change it like antibacterial wash to clean the line and dressing to change it if it got wet but also to cover it with some plastic so water doesn't get in, I even wrap up the line and cover the exit wound too.

    Hope that helps someone who has a chest line too.

    Thanks Sabad (team member)

    1. Hello , Thanks for sharing this. This question came up in a meeting I attended and I didn't have an answer. I sure share this. Diane (Team Member)

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