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How long have you been on dialysis for?

How long have you been on dialysis for (either currently or in the past)? What type of dialysis? Please share your experiences with us!

  1. I've been on dialysis twice, and both times, it was hemodialysis, and both times, I had a tesio catheter line in my chest for access. I did have surgery for an AV fistula, but that didn't work. the first was a short amount of time, less than a year, and I had a transplant, but then after my kidney failed, I was on it for 6 years.

    Both times were quite hard physically. I was constantly dizzy or fainting from low blood pressure after I finished my treatment, from having too much high blood pressure where I had hypertension and had to see the dietitian for having high potassium, which meant I needed to change what I eat and drink. Still, the WOSRT of it all was fluid requesting. It was so hard only to drink 500ml on days I was over my fluid limit, and if I didn't take off all the fluids, I would have to consume less, but that max I was a loud was a litre of liquid.

    Thanks Sabad (Team Member)

    1. I have been on PD for 3 years.

      1. , how are you doing on this type of dialysis? My youngest son has been on dialysis for 3 years also. He started on home hemodialysis but is now on peritoneal dialysis. Let us know how this treatment is working out for you. We would like to hear more from you. Diane (Team Member)

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