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what is agood plan for slowing ckd

what s a good diet for ckd

  1. I've looked up on the internet and done my own research plus spoken to certified renal dietitians. The one thing that keeps coming up is a plant based diet/Mediterranean diet/or even the Dash diet. There are some other things that matter in your diet and those are phosphorous, potassium, and protein. If your potassium and phosphorous are high then you would need to only eat fruits and vegetables that are low in these and monitor the amount you eat. If you are low in these then you would need to eat fruits and vegetables that are medium-high in these. If you spill protein in your urine then you maybe counseled to reduce the amount of animal protein you consume. I spill protein so I try to only eat animal protein (chicken and salmon) twice a week. Of course sodium is one thing we all need to watch with CKD. The normal healthy individual can consume around 2400mg which is only one teaspoon of salt! There is literally salt in everything. Having CKD we can't have that much. It's best to ask you doctor for their recommendation in milligrams. I use a wonderful free app called Cronometer to log all my food and water into and it keeps track of all those things for me. When I see I'm getting to the top of my sodium limit I know to cut back.
    Please check with your insurance and see if they offer any type of dietitian coverage. If they do please look for a certified renal dietitian. They are specialized in dealing with patients with CKD. A lot of them also specialize in diabetes too along with the CKD. If you can't find one in your area there are several on Facebook and Instagram and even one I follow on YouTube. I hope this helps. Cindy (Team Member)

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