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What can this be and what needs to be done

For over a week I have been suffering with high blood sugars(usually they have been low/average) and high blood pressure as well. This concerns both my doctor and myself. Any ideas as to what has caused this and are there any special tests my kidney doctor needs to have run?

  1. Hi , thank you for your question. I can understand why this is concerning to you and your doctor. Has anything been going on differently in your life? There can be a lot of different reasons for high blood sugars and high blood pressure. We have some articles around diabetes, high blood pressure and CKD that you might be interested in some of these articles:,,, We also have a sister community for people living with type 2 diabetes, which you might be interested in and may be this article in particular: I hope this may help. Warmly, Minel (Team Member)

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