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What Are Your Thoughts On Genetic Testing?

I have been thinking about this for a while now. My father, son, cousin and I have been diagnosis with CKD. Has anyone ever had genetic testing done to see if you carry the gene for chronic kidney disease? If so, what are the steps for this?

We would like to hear from you. Diane (Team Member

  1. I think it’s a great idea to get genetic tests as someone who has a genetic disease it helped me understand my illness and my symptoms better and what the future condition will be.

    My whole family had to see if they carried the same gene but it was only me and my sister If you can get in touch with your renal team and ask them for advice if it’s right for you and your family it doesn’t hurt to try and see.

    I hope it works out and keep us updated on your decision.

    Thanks Sabad (Team member)

    1. Hello , Thank you for replying. I will look more into this. Can you share a couple of things they do to get started? Is it blood work, etc? Thanks for sharing.

      Diane (Team Member)

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