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What are the advances of the mechanical kidney and pig kidney transplants?

I’m going on 2 years of 3days a week dialysis. It is time consuming and limits my ability to travel and visit my family. I’m 83 years old and have been refused a kidney transplant as I have aged out of any transplant program unless I find a kidney donor. That seem impossible. Makes me want to volunteer for either a mechanical kidney or a pig kidney. Any suggestions?

  1. Good Afternoon! I'm sorry that dialysis has been so limiting. I can't imagine. Have you thought about PD which you can travel with from what I've read? I think you can travel with dialysis if you coordinate with dialysis clinics wherever you are going, That does take a lot of work to set up though and they may not have any open chairs. I know they even have dialysis on cruise ships!!! Tough situation for sure. I'm 71 and have already decided I don't want dialysis those needles scare me, I saw my dad get drawn down way to far and collapse, I live alone so if I passed out no one would know, I just don't think I can do it. I also don't want a transplant. I'm happy with the years I've lived so I have left my life in God's hands. I think you are a very strong person at 83 to be going through this. Keep up the good fight. Cindy Barton (Team Member)

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