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Peritoneal Dialysis While You Sleep

My youngest son does peritoneal dialysis 7 days a week. As a mom I was worried that this would be too much for his body. He has a full-time job, a wife, and a family.

He does this type of dialysis while he is sleeping at night hooked up to a machine. He said he had to get used to the noise at first, but now he is okay doing it.

There are days I can tell he is tired, but he still does most of the things he was doing before he started dialysis.

I am a worry wart, this is my baby. (45 years old) If you are on peritoneal dialysis, what do you think are some of the good and bad being on this treatment? Let us know why you think so.

Waiting to hear what you think about this.

  1. Which dialysis treatment do you take?

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