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My Mom

Hi all! I’m on here because I’m now my mom’s healthcare proxy. She has to go back to a kidney doctor. But now that I have access, I see the notes show stage 4 kidney disease with an eGFR of 36.3. Mom is 74. Diabetic. Beginning to have memory issues. In the process of neurological testing. Brain mri shows mild white brain matter and loss of volume. I appreciate any feedback. I hate medical terminology because google sends me down a dark path.

  1. Hi , welcome to the community. I'm sure it's quite a lot to take in. Google can definitely be very overwhelming. I think it's important to remember that everyone's experiences with CKD, diabetes, and other health conditions are unique, just as everyone's bodies and health journeys are different. Is there any feedback in particular you are looking for? Because everyone's experiences are so different, we are unable to provide medical advice, for everyone's safety. But we are happy to help try to point you in the right direction if you're looking for any particular information. We also know as a caregiver, it can be quite stressful, so we're also here for you if you ever want to vent or are looking for some support. Thinking of you and your mom. Warmly, Minel (Team Member)

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