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I Just Got Dealt A Double Whammy

I got some blood work back from my primary care physician. She said that my potassium level was very low and that she was going to give me a prescription for that.

I talked to the nurse at my kidney doctor and she told me to hold off on taking anything until I see the doctor. He had told me to cut back on potassium. I will see him next month.

Has this ever happened to you? What would you do in this case?

  1. Hi i personally would hold off as well until you are seen by your renal doctor as a low potassium level in renal condition is different to a patient with no renal condition. I personal think taking medication for putting your potassium level back up is dangerous as a high level potassium is dangerous to the kidneys from my personal experience but yes I agree with the renal nurse to hold off.

    Thanks Sabad (Team Member)

    1. Hello , Thanks for the feedback. I really appreciate it. I am not a water drinker. I struggle daily to get water down. Any tips on how to consume water? I've added lemon and those little packages of things to make it taste better.

      My youngest son who is on dialysis now has 3 beautiful daughters. I have always been a soda drinker. When they would come to visit me and I offered them soda, they would say, "No thank you, grandma, we'll take water". My son also is a water drinker. I keep telling him that this is not normal.

      I know that water is good for us.

      1. Water is definitely a struggle to drink especially if your not use to it, it’s amazing that your son and grandchildren like only water is the best healthy habit to have.

        I myself love soda drinks but I have to drink 2-3 litres a day to hydrate my kidney transplant and I’ve come to know having very cold water is the trick to enjoy a drink of water, find your favourite brand of bottled water or fill a jug of water and leave it in the fridge always and just keep re filling it and replacing it in the fridge. When the water is warm it isn’t satisfying to drink which just puts you off.

        I hope that helps

        Thanks Sabad (team member)

        1. Hello , These are some very good tips. My husband is a water drinker. He buys cases of it. If I say, I'm not feeling too good, he always asks - did you drink any water today? He drinks so much. He doesn't drink soda, so maybe that's why he likes water. LOL

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