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Besides exercise, what else can someone do to stay as healthy as possible

  1. Hi , thanks for your question. It's great to hear that you're being very proactive in wanting to stay as healthy as possible. Have you had a chance to ask your doctor? They would know your health situation the best to give more personalized advice to what's most meaningful for you. In the meantime though, you may be interested in some of these articles as well: & I hope this may help. Best, Minel (Team Member)

    1. Hello , this is such a great question. For me, it was changing my diet. (a lot) The hardest part of the diet was giving up salt and soft drinks. I am 66 and have been eating anything I want for decades. I loved cheese, so I just used a sprinkle of it now. The next thing on my list to give up is coffee with cream. 🙁 As said, we are all different and need to speak to our doctors about these things. Let us know what you find out. Have you made any lifestyle changes? We would like to hear from you. Diane (Team Member)

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