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Diet for Kidney disease

Meet with a dietitian for specifics. Very good. information.

Hospital recommended.

  1. Low sodium, less meat , 2 wines per week.

    1. Low sodium diet, less meats. Only 2 wines per week. Lots of water. Well worth it.

      1. Thanks for sharing your experiences with us! I'm glad to hear the dietitian was helpful! Have you tried any new meals or ways of preparing food yet to incorporate less sodium and meat? Warmly, Minel (Team Member)

        1. Trader Joes is a good place to shop. 21 Seasoning Salute is the Best salt substitute I have found. Balsamic Vinaigrette dressing is also low sodium.Trex Mix Almonds,cashews low sodium snack. I bake, broil or grill meats. Become a label reader .More vegs, salads less er portions of proteins.

          1. , thanks so much! I really love Trader Joe's. And I appreciate you sharing these tips... makes me hungry 😅 Warmly, Minel (Team Member)

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