Cindy Barton

CKD Cindy BartonCindy Barton lives in the rural area of central Georgia. She is one hour away from the bustling city of Atlanta where she loves to go for healthy food options. Cindy enjoys gardening, scrapbooking, and entertaining her small flock of chickens. Cindy has 3 grown children and 5 grandchildren. She is very involved with her church and is also a Review Team Member for her local Nextdoor app.

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Cindy’s journey first started when she was a child. She was seemingly always anemic and sick. The doctors always found blood in her urine and she was admitted to the hospital several times for exploratory testing. It wasn’t until later in life that her mom told her the doctors said she had a rare disease and would die. She didn’t have any other information regarding that so she just pressed on with her life. Thank goodness she has lived a fairly healthy life for 70 years. Cindy’s dad did have end-stage renal disease and passed in 2012 and she has since found out that she has Alport syndrome both recessive and dominant. She is currently a stage 3b kidney warrior. She is very involved in her care and is always researching and asking the hard questions to her fabulous nephrologist.